Stress Test

Los Angeles Heart Specialists
Afshine Ash Emrani, MD, FACC
Cardiologist located in Tarzana, CA
At Los Angeles Heart Specialists, Dr. Afshine Emrani and his staff serve the residents of Tarzana, California and many other Los Angeles area communities. The doctor specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of various heart conditions through the use of stress tests and other important tools.
Stress Test Q & A
What Does a Stress Test Involve?
A stress test involves placing stress on the heart through various levels of physical exercise. This can be walking or jogging on a treadmill, lifting weights, or performing various other types of physical exercise. The test normally involves forcing the body to perform a task to the point where a certain level of activity is recorded. This allows the doctor to determine what levels of activity is safe for the patient to perform on a regular basis and also gives them a starting point to work from as they develop an effective treatment plan. Stress tests that are performed as part of a maintenance program shows a doctor whether or not the patient's heart is performing at healthy levels or if other problems have presented themselves.
How are Stress Tests Performed?
Stress tests are performed under the watchful eye of a physical or physical therapist who is able to understand what the body is doing as it responds to the stress. The patient is often hooked up to machines that measure heart rate, oxygen levels, and various other bodily functions. These machines give doctors the information they need to diagnose and treat many different health conditions associated with the heart and circulatory system. It can also identify potential problems that may eventually lead to a stroke or heart attack. Doctors can vary the intensity of the test as the patient's condition continues to improve.
Are Stress Tests Dangerous?
Stress tests are closely monitored by a physician or physical therapist who is highly trained in observing the body and how it responds to stress. While any type of diagnostic stress poses some type of risk, those associated with stress tests are minimal due to the close proximity of the physician or therapist who is supervising the activity. As long as the patient accurately communicates what they are feeling and if they are beginning to have any problems, the test should go smoothly without any adverse reactions or problems. Constant supervision during any type of stress test is mandatory to ensure the patient gets the help they need if they begin to experience problems.
Major Insurance Plans Accepted
We accept most major insurance plans | If you have any questions, please call our office | We are out of network for United Health Care | We do not accept Blue Shield